Granulocyte in Bone Marrow
To depict a granulocyte among the trabeculae seen in red bone marrow.
Nicholas Woolridge
December 2020
Zbrush, Cinema 4D, Photoshop
Primary Audience
The project was inspired by scanning electron (SEM) and histological images of trabecular bone and granulocytes. These images were used to create rough sketches of granulocytes within red bone marrow.
Initial Sketches
After exploring real images of granulocytes, I decided to use SEM images as my references for the general form. This led me to a create a baseline sketch for my model of a neutrophil.
Rough Layouts
Different compositions were explored for the final scene. One of the major hurdles was considering the scale of the cells in relation to the environment.
Asset & Scene Creation
The main three assets for this scene were sculpted in ZBrush and later imported in Cinema4D to be used in the scene. Other small objects, such as red blood cells and particles were created in Cinema4D and scattered around the scene. After several iterations, a final image was rendered and final touches were added in Photoshop.